Early Saturday morning of January 25, students and families from both the ISY and YIS communities gathered at the YIS campus to take part in the 2020 Color Run. The event was a collaboration between ISY’s Girl Up and YIS’s Building Blocks service-learning groups. Participants of all ages ran either 2 km or 5 km around the quiet neighborhood surrounding the school campus along the pre-designated route.

Each time the participants passed by the front gate of the school campus, a variety of colored powders were tossed onto them, dying their white Color Run shirts. Residents came out of their houses out of curiosity and watched as the runners with colorful t-shirts passed by. 

Those who attended the Color Run felt an overall satisfaction from the event, acknowledging the hard work and dedicated planning that went into it. Mr. Davis, the service-learning coordinator at ISY, remarked “It was really exciting to reach the finish line with everyone yelling and cheering and throwing color on me. It was the first color run I’ve ever been involved in.” Additionally, the students who participated had a similar positive experience from the run. Stuti, a member of Girl Up, said “It was such a successful event and so many people from both schools participated. We were all pleased by how enthusiastic and energetic the runners were. The preparations and planning paid off.” 

Girl Up plans to donate the money raised at this event to an organization dedicated to the group’s cause, which consists of empowering women and pushing towards gender equality.

Published by Global

Photographed by Hyemin, Chai, and Orion