The goal has been reached! That’s right, ISY’s 2019-20 goal to raise $10,000 for the Wan Kaung Village School (WKS) in partnership with United World Schools (UWS) has been reached! 

Last Saturday, March 7th, ISY’s annual Family Fun Night took place and ended in success. In addition to fun, games, and delicious food, this year’s Family Fun Night incorporated new booths that were not in place last year, such as the “Sponsor-A-Student” stand. For just 15,000 kyats, you can sponsor one child’s education for one month. To sponsor a child for a whole school year, 180,000 kyats can be donated. “When we first set up the booth, we didn’t expect people to donate,” commented Naddy, member of the UWS service learning group, “but so far, every time someone has donated, it has been a sponsor for at least one whole school year!” 

“All these events are collective towards raising $10,000 for the Wan Kaung School, and we are almost there,” Mahika, another member of the UWS service learning group mentioned. “All the money donated, including the entry fees, goes to UWS, and this surely means people know why they’re coming here and what cause it’s for. There was a much higher turnout than I expected, and this year’s event is much more organized than last year’s.” 

Over $5,500 was raised that night and combined with the money raised at Sports-A-Thon which took place in December 2019, the $10,000 goals for this year have been surpassed. The extra money raised above the $10,000 goal is to be used for extra programs besides maintenance for the Wan Kaung Village School, such as professional development programs to help local teachers (not only those from the WKS) improve their methods of teaching. All of the work we’re doing is focused on supporting children with SDG4 – Quality Education.

The ISY-UWS-WKS partnership continues stronger and stronger as our community becomes more aware that we truly are making a difference. The vision of building a school and providing those in need with quality education is becoming a reality!

Published by Global