In April last school year, Sayar Zaw Latt from Inle Heritage Private School visited ISY to learn about teaching methods and working with young children. A few days ago, he sent us his reflection on what he learned and how he will apply these skills in the school back in Inle. Below is the full text of his reflection. The English translation is provided by Min Sitt (Grade 11).

―Photographed by Global.

Original Ver. (Burmese)


The Experiences and Observations I made Throughout the Month of Visiting the International School of Yangon


What I’ve Learned

The very first thing I learned was the importance of making the kids to be interested and be happy in what they are doing. I believe that happiness is not only an important factor for a child’s mind, but it is also essential for the child to have a strong and healthy development as they grow older.

I’ve also learned how the teachers manage their students in specific situations. The teachers focus on their students behavior in every way they can. I’ve learned teachers should observe the abilities of the students in their studies and in their physical activities, and shouldn’t force students to do things that they can’t.

Before P.E classes, I noticed that there was discipline in the way that the child had to have proper equipment (hat, running shoes, water bottle, etc) in order for them to participate in the class. The teacher also emphasized cleanliness, such as before going into the swimming pool the students should shower or that they should always wash their hands after P.E class. I also saw how important it is for the teacher and the assistant to work together in class. When the teacher and assistant work together, it allows the students to understand better on what they did wrong and how to improve. It is also important for the student to be in class on time, and it is also equally important for the teacher to be ready to teach the class. The teachers and assistant should work together to also check the students if they are fully prepared to go into class. For example,
after P.E class, the teacher and assistant made sure that the students drank plenty of water before returning to their main classroom. The teacher and assistant also emphasized that drinking water is healthy, and constantly encouraged the students to do so. Finally, I also learned the importance of having medical assistance to be ready on stand-by in the instance that a student gets hurt outside of class or in class.


I’ve also noticed the preparations that teachers have to go through to teach the class in a well organized fashion. Before teaching P.E class, the teachers thought of compatible and fun games, physical activities for the children to play. They also prepared activities by having done in-advance research from the internet. The teacher could also find music online to play during class to make the experience for the kids more joyful and fun. The students can also learn the importance of being prepared. For instance the games you could make with just a normal ball is extremely versatile, but because of this it is important to emphasize to the kids that they have to be prepared to play all kinds of games possible. The emphasis of these necessary preparations to the child will allow them to learn something new.

Proper Supply of Equipment

In a school, regarding P.E class, it is important to have a proper supply of equipment. It is also important to have a variety of  equipment to perform a variety of activities. If there is a wide range of equipment, the students will be more interested as they haven’t seen it before. The benefits of introducing these equipment for the students to use, is that it will create a sense of discipline when they are participating in activities that involve the equipment. This will eventually help the students know that they must also apply the same discipline in everything else.

Benefits From This Experience and Difficulties I Faced

The difficulties I experienced during my time at ISY was that if there was about 10 or less people in one class, it was hard for me to create games that the children had a joyful time playing. I can feel that the students were bored in class due to there being not enough people to play certain games. In my school, we don’t have as much proper and advanced equipment like ISY does, so I had to think about how to supply such equipment so that the students at my school can also equally have fun.

The thing that I am most grateful to ISY for is that I feel that I’ve gained so much knowledge from my time being here. Within three months after I got back from ISY, I’ve applied the experiences, the knowledge and the things I learned in my own school. I notice that the kids are more interested, happier, and are ultimately more fit. When it is time for P.E class, the kids are always happy and looking at their happiness I feel the same degree of joy. I also feel the motivation to put more effort in finding new things to make my students even happier.

I would like to thank ISY for allowing me to come to the school and learn. I would like to thank the directors, the teachers, the P.E teachers ,the staff and everyone else who I ought to be thankful for all the things that you’ve done for me. In the future months or years, I hope to receive the same opportunity to come back to ISY and learn even more. Once again, thank you everyone from the bottom of heart.

Published by Global

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