Since our return to in-person classes, you may have noticed some new faces around campus. A member of Global who joined ISY this year, Isaac (G10), was able to interview two other new students, Natalija (G9) and Danny (G9), about their thoughts about being at ISY so far. Global used this opportunity as a chance to share the ISY new student experience, especially as we adjust back to in-classroom learning.

School photo taken by Mr. Gavin Ailes

School photo taken by Mr. Gavin Ailes
The questions asked in the interview were as follows:
- Which school did you attend prior to ISY? How would it compare to ISY?
- What has been your best experience at ISY so far?
- How would you describe the return to in-person classes at ISY in one word?
- What suggestions would you give to students moving to new schools?
Which school did you attend prior to ISY? How would it compare to ISY?
Natalija (G9): My previous school was a public school located in Serbia called Svetozar Miletic. It was different from ISY in many ways, namely the way that students communicated with teachers, the learning approach and also the grading system. So far, I think that ISY tries to connect with their students by encouraging them to talk and express their ideas. When comparing my old school to ISY, I can say that attending ISY is personally much better than when I attended my old school.
Danny (G9): The previous school that I attended prior to ISY was Yangon International School (YIS). I think that each school has their own set of benefits and drawbacks. For example, at YIS they had something called ‘WIN Wednesday’ (What I Need Wednesday) where students had the opportunity to catch up on school work and reach out for assistance from teachers every week on Wednesday. Although there are distinct differences between each school’s teaching style and methods, for the time being, I think that the way ISY teaches is more preferable.
What has been your best experience at ISY so far?
Natalija (G9): Unfortunately due to Covid, I have spent the majority of the school year at home. However, one of the best experiences at ISY so far was definitely when I first attended in-person classes and met most of my friends in real life.
Danny (G9): My best experience at ISY so far has been playing sports and being there in-person, which YIS has not implemented yet, since I have been able to reunite with my old companions and make new friends. Although the school work is slightly hard, I am doing my best to catch up and stay on top of work.
How would you describe the return to in-person classes at ISY in one word?
Natalija (G9): Exciting
Danny (G9): Satisfactory
What suggestions would you give to students moving to new schools?
Natalija (G9): My suggestions for students moving to new schools would be:
- Don’t be too stressed and nervous
- Try to talk and meet new people from your new school
- Always ask questions and reach out if you need help
- Show your hard work and effort from the start
- Be friendly with everyone
Danny (G9): For students moving to new schools, I would suggest looking into the schools beforehand. Ask a variety of students from the specific school about the school you’re interested in and be mindful of which schools you want to join.
To our long-time friends and our community here at ISY, we hope that you will give a warm welcome to the new students around school. As for new students attending ISY, we warmly welcome you into the ISY community and look forward to the remainder of the year.
By Natalija & Danny from Grade 9
Published by Global